I purchased, tried, and returned two other products that promised this functionality. This is Just what I needed. Set up was completed in about 10 minutes. I also purchased a lan table, which was not necessary. The N 300 comes with a lightweight LAN cable. Set though up was completely wireless. This box connects
to the hotel wireless network. All of your devices connect to this box. The hotel limitation of three devices is

bypassed. I read some of the other reviews. Yes, keep the card of the default settings, otherwise you will never ever be able to reset to factory settings. User name and password is admin, admin, so be sure to change those. For the money, pound for pound, this thing is more valuable than printer ink. LOL. Seriously though, for hotel travel and trade shows, this is the device you need. Based on some of the other reviews, I purchased the extended warranty. If your device stops working, just use fair trade and get another one. You will be happy with your purchase.
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