Got this Nighthawk X6 AC3200 and a NETGEAR CM1000 cable modem to replace a NETGEAR N450 cable modem/router combo, which was constantly either moving at molasses speeds or would constantly drop the signal. This new setup is superb. We have a large older home with multiple floors and extra thick
plastered walls, and where our old setup would give us 30mbps the farthest away from the router on a good

day, with this new setup speeds clocked in at 257mbps in the same location. Our device mix includes home security video, smart tv’s, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, computers and a printer. WiFi was so poor previously that some of us would just turn it off and rely on our cellular service to use the internet. Not anymore.
One of the iPads is a second generation that was put away for a long time since it was so slow. Now that we’re able to designate which band to use, Internet-based apps working at top speeds now make it feel like a brand new device.
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